
The Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships "SCISP" is a standalone government entity linked to the Council of Economic and Development Affairs, pursuant to the Council of Ministers’ Decision No. 127, dated November 21, 2017; approving the formation of SCISP. SCISP aims to coordinate all the Kingdom’s efforts in relation to its international and regional strategic partnerships with partner countries, in an effort to build, develop and strengthen such partnerships, as well as coordinate and monitor their programs with relevant agencies, through SCISP's mandate and assigned tasks in the governmental ecosystem.

Such mandates and tasks include:
Through SCISP’s mandate, the center aims to work and coordinate with relevant government and private entities, develop criteria and plans that will help identify the Kingdom’s potential strategic partner countries, conduct the necessary studies on the establishment of international strategic partnerships, activate and monitor the outcomes of partnerships established by the Kingdom with strategic partners; identify and evaluate opportunities within the partnerships that achieve common objectives between the Kingdom and partner countries. Given that partnerships require constant communication, SCISP coordinates official visit programs, and defines the desired objectives of such. In addition, SCISP organizes various workshops to harmonize the common objectives between the Kingdom and other countries, as well as organizing forums that serve as platforms to share and develop potential opportunities for strategic partnership and discuss methods to strengthen such partnerships.

During SCISPs journey, a number of achievements contributing to deepening the Kingdom's strategic partnerships have been realized, such as facilitating and managing a number of high delegation official visits to and from the Kingdom that were led by heads of state. SCISP also conducted a number of forums inside and outside the Kingdom, particularly in the United States, China, India, UK, and Russia and other G20 countries. SCISP also managed the Kingdom’s relationship with the World Economic Forum; as well as the preparation and arrangement of the Kingdom's delegation participation in the WEF annual meeting in Davos for the years 2018, 2019, and 2020. SCISP has also worked on following up and activating a number of agreements and MOUs within the framework of international strategic partnerships.

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